Tilbake til oversikt utstillinger
Klasse: voksen
Dommer: Pettersson, Cindy
Resultat | Hund/Eier |
VG.JK 2.JKK | Ki-po Ziis I'm Dawa Son Of Era Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK CERT 2.BHK | Litomada's Hjam-pa Eier: |
Exc.UK 1.UKK CK 3.BHK R.CACIB | Sumanshu Pole Position Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BHK CACIB BIR | Dhoki Apsos Hero Of Our Time Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 4.BHK | Khyi-mi Dpon Po Lamleh Eier: |
VG.JK 3.JKK | Jampa Carmen Zita Eier: |
Exc.JK 2.JKK | Abso Seng Kye's Vega Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK CERT 4.BTK | Litomada's Hi-ra Eier: |
Exc.UK 1.UKK CK R.CERT | Milington's Million Cama De Rosas Eier: |
VG.UK 2.UKK | Dhoki Apsos Inspirational Dream Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK | Gabriella Black Snowflake Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK | Milington's Katya Pasion De Amor Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 3.BTK R.CACIB | Dhoki Apsos Foxy Omega Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BTK CACIB BIM | Dhoki Apsos Hear A Million Voices Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK CK 2.BTK | Falamandus Out To Kick You Eier: |