Tilbake til oversikt utstillinger
Klasse: Voksen
Dommer: Jakobsen, John
Resultat | Hund/Eier |
VG.JK 3.JKK | Zelandonis Chen-po Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK CK CERT 1.BTK CACIB BIR | Waterley Worththewait Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK | Wanted Nice Dog's Jahara Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK CK | Thanee's Gipsy Girl Eier: |
Exc.CHK CK | Tazzjazz Dressed For Success Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 3.BHK R.CACIB | Shadecre Catch Me If You Can Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK CERT 1.BHK CACIB BIM | Shadeacre Big Bang Theory Eier: |
Exc.CHK 4.CHKK CK | Sem Zangbo's Beau Lorenzo Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Scapegrace So What Eier: |
Exc.JK 2.JKK CK | Scapegrace Kisses Of Fire Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Scapegrace Excellent Choice Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Rogell's Fantastic Artwork Eier: |
Exc.AK 2.AKK CK R.CERT 2.BTK R.CACIB | Rogell's Dressed To Win Eier: |
VG.JK 4.JKK | Pet Pursuit Chip Chain Eier: |
VG.UK 2.UKK | Pet Pursuit Blazing Wish Eier: |
VG.AK | Peaceful Dream's New Star Nelly Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK | Milington's Lea Kickboxer Gana Todo Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Milington's Hechicero De La Noche Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Litomada's D`angel Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 4.BTK | Litomada's Excelent Sofie Eier: |
Exc.JK 2.JKK | Kyi-m-byang Jetsun Dontse Eier: |
Exc.UK 3.UKK | Kyi-m-byang Jetsun Bilbo Eier: |
VG.JK | Kyi-m-byang Jampa Mani Eier: |
Exc.VTK 2.VTKK CK | Kyang's Dku-ba Eier: |
Exc.UK 2.UKK | Kuau Le Gou's Ab Fab Astor Ofkaspar Eier: |
Exc.CHK 4.CHKK CK | Kuai Le Gou's Zmaching Ezz Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK CK R.CERT | Kuai Le Gou's Yey Got It All Eier: |
VG.VTK 2.VTKK | Kuai Le Gou's Nad Namcee Nyee Ma Eier: |
Exc.UK 1.UKK CK 4.BHK | Kuai Le Gou's Ab Fab Ar-to-di-to Eier: |
Exc.JK 3.JKK | Ki-po Ziis Gucci S White Skarf Eier: |
Exc.AK 3.AKK CK | Ki-po Ziis Citar Eier: |
Exc.CHK CK | Khyi-mi Dpon Po Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK CK | Falamandus Pearls For Girls Eier: |
Exc.JK 4.JKK | Dhoki Apsos Holy Grande Amore Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK 2.BHK | Dhoki Apsos Hero Of Our Time Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 3.BTK | Dhoki Apsos Foxy Omega Eier: |
Exc.UK 1.UKK CK | Dhoki Apsos Hear A Million Voices Eier: |
VG.AK 4.AKK | Chilus Tindra Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK CK | Charan-jit Kuo Yarlung Namtso Eier: |
VG.AK | All About Me Eier: |