Tilbake til oversikt utstillinger
Dommer: Hagen, Helge Werner
Resultat | Hund/Eier |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BHK CACIB BIR | Lhazhal's Btsanop Gyad Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK CK CERT 1.BTK CACIB BIM | Rogell's Win-min Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK | Litomada's Bache Gabrielsen Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK | Lito Assissi Rosso Mada Eier: |
Exc.AK 2.AKK | Manju-heera's Aadi Lamleh Eier: |
VG.AK | Dhoki Apsos Diamond Eier: |
VG.AK | Angus The Litomada Bull Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 2.BHK R.CACIB | Charan-jit Kuo Yarlung Namtso Eier: |
VG.JK | Sang-ma-lay's Be-ma-my Eier: |
Exc.UK 1.UKK CK R.CERT 4.BTK | Milington's Caprice Eier: |
Exc.UK 3.UKK | Zelandonis Pick Me Up Eier: |
Exc.UK 2.UKK | Falamandus Out To Kick You Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK | Manju-heera's Archa Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.AK 2.AKK CK | Milington's Unforgettable Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK CK | Lhazhal's Elili Eier: |
Exc.CHK 4.CHKK | Wanted Nice Dog's Jahara Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 2.BTK R.CACIB | Lhazhal's Dkar-ba Mu-tig Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK CK 3.BTK | Lhazhal's Sis A-zal Eier: |