Tilbake til oversikt utstillinger
Klasse: Norsk Vinner utstilling
Dommer: Plathan, Tuula
Resultat | Hund/Eier |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BHK CACIB BIR | Charan-jit Kuo Yarlung Namtso Eier: |
Exc.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BTK CACIB BIM | Rogell's Yum-chen-mo Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK R.CERT | Sem Zangbo's Amour De Felix Eier: |
VG.JK | Litomada's Bache Gabrielsen Eier: |
VG.JK | Sem Zangbo's Amour De Ferdinand Eier: |
Exc.AK 2.AKK CK | Dhoki Apsos Diamond Eier: |
VG.AK | Lito Assissi Rosso Mada Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK CK CERT 3.BHK R.CACIB | Lhinacre Lateformydate Eier: |
Exc.CHK 4.CHKK CK | Khambas Future Steps Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 4.BHK | Lhazhal's Btsanop Gyad Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK CK | Dhoki Apsos Decision Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Manju-heera's Aadi Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK CK 2.BHK | Araki Stix And Stones Eier: |
VG.JK | Rogell's Bi-bian-cheng Eier: |
Exc.JK 1.JKK CK CERT | Sumanshu Black Pianut To Litomadas Eier: |
VG.JK | Rogell's Co' Lhazhal Eier: |
VG.JK | Peaceful Dream's Happy Shanty Eier: |
VG.UK | Rogell's Adi-tya Eier: |
VG.UK | Ti La Shu Jewel Of Firebird Eier: |
Exc.AK 1.AKK | Milington's Caprice Eier: |
Exc.CHK 3.CHKK CK 3.BTK | Falamandus Out To Kick You Eier: |
G.AK | Adhira Rajs Bidth Ya Sutra Eier: |
VG.AK | Milington's Unforgettable Eier: |
VG.AK | Serenissmo Ganesh Sutra Kanze Eier: |
VG.AK | Serenissmo Ganesh Sutra Kanze Eier: |
Exc.CHK 2.CHKK CK 2.BTK R.CACIB | Tripitaka Winter Blues Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Manju-heera's Archa Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Wanted Nice Dog's Jahara Lamleh Eier: |
Exc.CHK | Lhazhal's Elili Eier: |
Exc.CHK 4.CHKK CK 4.BTK | Lhazhal's Dkar-ba Mu-tig Eier: |
Exc.VTK 1.VTKK | Lhazhal's Sis A-zal Eier: |